Getting to Know Cassie



My name is Cassie Joffrion. I am SAH to five beautiful children ages 12, 10, 5, 3 and 6 month old. While I am a U.S. Army Veteran, my amazing husband is still currently serving. This allows me to pursue my passion for making crafts/customizations and open my small business and travel still and see the world. We are currently located at Fort Leonard Wood, MO, and recently came from Fort Hood, TX. 

Let us take a step back and look at where this crafting passion came from. At a young age, my mom always enjoyed making different crafts and painting and often would let me and my brother help her. In elementary school, she would always do class art projects like painting t-shirts and more. I wore those shirts for so long and even have some for my kids today. From there, I always loved working on projects where I could be crafty. I would love to go to the local craft stores just walking around and asking myself, could I make that myself. I always knew deep down that I wanted to support myself off my crafts! 

I feel truly blessed by you taking the time to know me and look forward to making you something unique!